You want to learn astrology, but don't know where to start? I got you.

       I can help you with:

  • reading a birth chart. FULLY.

  • understanding all those difficult lines, symbols and numbers. If I can do it, you can do it. Trust me.

  • translating a ‘Pisces moon in the fifth house, squaring Jupiter in Leo” to something that makes sense to you and your clients.

  • making you a confident person who masters the language of astrology.

  • Hosting your first full moon circle like a pro!

You thrive learning on your own

You learn best when you can schedule your own time to practice and use your own systems and methods.

Pick your destiny

You love learning together

You learn best when you can schedule your own time to practice and use your own systems and methods.

Your results are best when tutored

You learn best when you can schedule your own time to practice and use your own systems and methods.