You can't prepare for what you don't see coming
Live Astrological consultations
1:1 astrological consultation
40 min / 75 min
Getting to know yourself is an essential part of your soul’s growth. Understanding yourself deeply means you can really step into your own power and make life-changing decisions with confidence.
During this astrological consultation we can discuss different topics. From personality, romantic relationships to business opportunities and important upcoming transits.
The birth chart reveals your potential, talents but also your blockages. We will go through all your placements together and afterwards you will have a better understanding of how to look at your own birth chart. Together we will also look at your life path and challenges.
You won’t need any experience with astrology, we can go through everything together. Consultations are held through Zoom.
Written astrological reports
Solar Return reading
+ 25 pages PDF
The Solar Return reading is for everyone, you don’t need to know anything about astrology or your own birth chart.
This report is intended for anyone who wants understand their own personal Sun cycle. I’ll explain where the personal focus of the coming year lies (from birthday to birthday).
This report does not tell you about your personality (like a birth chart reading) but more about your behaviour, focus, opportunities and potential for the coming year.
Questions asked
Your exact date of birth, place of birth and time of birth.
No, anyone can order and understand the reading. You don’t need to know astrology.
During a live 1:1 session we will also discuss your birth chart. However, some people like to also have the written version – it may contain slightly different information than what was discussed.
You will notice that if you book a reading with different astrologers, much will be similar. Although the information is in a different guise.
A live reading or a written birth horoscope reading with me may therefore differ slightly in how I present or explain the information.
No predictions are discussed in the birth chart reading. The birth chart reflects your personality and character. I also describe certain challenging aspects but I will never discuss anything around death of medical topics.
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